Shaping a New Narrative For a New Economy
This Maestro Conference is now over, but we invite you to
download the audio recording of the event:
A conversation with
David Korten and Otto Scharmer
December 8, 2014, 11:30am – 1:00pm (PST)
What role does narrative play in shaping economic life? How must the current narrative change if we are to have a viable human future and an economy that works for all, including Living Earth our home and source of nurture? What will it take to discover and establish a new narrative in the public mind? If this is an exploration you are interested in please join us!
We invite you to join a MaestroConference conversation with two visionary thinkers,
David Korten and Otto Scharmer, whose current books challenge the foundational assumptions of established economic thought and call for a dramatic restructuring of our economic narrative and institutions. (All you will need is your phone to join this conversation. You will not need to be on a computer!)
The conversation will be hosted by master convener and gifted facilitator, Charles Holmes. Attendees on the call will have a chance to discuss their views in small groups and field questions to David and Otto.
David Korten
is the author of the forthcoming Change the Story, Change the Future: A Living Economy for a Living Earth, co-founder/chair of YES! Magazine, co-chair of the New Economy Working Group, founder/president of the Living Economies Forum, and a former Harvard Business School professor. His earlier books include When Corporations Rule the World, The Great Turning and Agenda for a New Economy.
Otto Scharmer
is the author of Leading from the Emerging Future: From Ego-System to Eco-System Economics, American economist, senior lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Business, founding chair of the Presencing Institute, and co-founder of the Global Well-being and Gross National Happiness Lab. His earlier books include Theory U: Leading from the Future as it Emerges.